2018 Publications

A. Dutta, S. Mutyala, A. K. Samantara, S. Bera, Bikash Kumar Jena* and Narayan Pradhan*
Synergistic Effect of Inactive Iron Oxide Core on Active Nickel Phosphide Shell for Unprecedented Enhancement in the OER Activity
ACS Energy Lett. 2018, 3, 141−148.

A. K. Samantara, S. Kamila, A. Ghosh, Bikash Kumar Jena*
“Highly Ordered 1D NiCo2O4Nanorods on Graphene: An Efficient Dual-functional Hybrid Materials for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Applications”
ElectrochimicaActa, 2018, 264, 147-157.
B. Mohanty, M. Ghorbani-Asl, S. Kretschmer, A. Ghosh, P. Guha, S. K. Panda, B. Jena, A. V. Krasheninnikov, Bikash Kumar Jena*
“MoS2 Quantum Dots as an Efficient Catalyst Material for Oxygen Evolution Reaction” ACS Catalysis 2018, 8, 1683−1689.

I. Mukherjee, S. K. Das, Bikash Kumar Jena, R. Sahab and S. Chatterjee
“Dissimilitude behaviour of Cu2O nano-octahedra and nano-cubes towards photo-and electrocatalytic activities”
New Journal of Chemistry, 2018,42, 3692-3702.

A. Mishra, A. K. Samantara, S. Kamila, Bikash Kumar Jena, M. Unnikrishnan and S. Bhattacharjee
“Non-precious transition metal oxide Calcium Cobaltite: Effect of dopant on Oxygen/Hydrogen evolution reaction and thermoelectric properties”
Materials Today Communications 2018, 15, 48-54.

B. Mohanty, K. K. Naik, S. Sahoo, B. Jena, B. Chakraborty, C. S. Rout, Bikash Kumar Jena*
“Efficient photoelectrocatalytic activity of CuWO4 nanoplates towards the oxidation of NADH driven in visible light”
ChemistrySelect 2018, 3, 9008 – 9012.